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Technology whether it be a laptop, or a humidifier, or a tablet, or a car, or a watch or a TV,  or an Ebook... can be either good or bad. Useful or problematic. One thing I help people do is look past the fake and planted and suspect reviews, to find you a product that is more than hype, but is useful.


Every week we will trot out links to different recommended, tech vetted, products of the day!


Without further ado... this week's DEALS OF THE DAY!

Better than Ipad Custom UPGRADED Fire HD & WEBCAM


The Fire Tablet 8 out of the box is good, but it has issues. There is a lot of bloatware that comes installed with it. And there are a lot of security options not enabled, that need to be;  and recommended apps installed.

That is where this entry comes in. This is for an openbox, customized SUPER Fire tablet. Return in 30 days for a full refund if not completely satisfied. For more details or to order go here!

Next we have (Finally) a USB Data Blocker (Condom) That you can trust!
You buy these things to help protect your phone, tablet, laptop from getting data swiped when plugging into unknown power chargers, or kiosks when away from home.
To avoid suspect usb/charging ports or cables at work or hotels or airports, or just when out and about, you need a quality USB Data Blocker to ensure your charger is just charging, and that you are not being data-mined. However, not all of these USB Data Blockers are the same.
Some have planted reviews, and actually steal your info rather than protecting it.
I've done the homework for you, vetted the reviews. To find one with a reputation for actually stopping data transfer, and just allowing power charging.
Only $49 [parts+labor- time spent researching and vetting to locate a valid USB Blocker] for a pack of two.

Get yours HERE!

And come back every Monday to find out what new DEALS OF THE DAY have been added!
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